How SILVERSEA Accelerated Growth in China by Choosing Horizons

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How SILVERSEA Accelerated Growth in China by Choosing Horizons

#How SILVERSEA Accelerated Growth in China by Choosing Horizons| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

For the service itself, SILVERSEA identified two areas where Horizons really stood out:

Dedicated account managers. Account managers at Horizons serve as the main point of contact for clients. Account managers are there to help the employee with any inquiries they have and make the process smooth for both them and for the client. SILVERSEA appreciates the fact that the account managers are local and therefore understand the hiring culture, but also the fact that they work for a global company and can bring that international perspective. This dynamic means SILVERSEA feels comfortable asking questions surrounding work culture in China (for example, when they want to send gifts or surprises to employees). Account managers also form deep relationships with the client employees in-country, which leads to…

Employee care. SILVERSEA is a company that cares deeply about their employees. They needed a partner that shares this perspective, and they found that with Horizons. That’s why Horizons invests so heavily in its global hubs, including office space and meeting rooms where client-employees can arrange meetings. SILVERSEA will often receive photos from their employees in China of office events, gifts provided at holidays, or the amazing views from the 33F Shanghai office with a complete overview of downtown. As SILVERSEA said, “Employees who send photos like this are happy employees!”




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